Sunday, 11 December 2016

The truth about pheromones and attraction (it's not what you think)

If you've been looking into pheromones and attraction (or even if you're just new to them), there is a lot more that goes on behind the scenes than what you're being told.

Frankly, a lot of it is straight up rubbish, which was dreamt up by sleazy "snake oil" type salesmen... promising an endless supply of women, in exchange for buying their overpriced holy water... err... pheromone juice? Yeah, anyway - it's a lot more complicated than it seems on the surface.

Take for example, an article I wrote recently about the massive impact of personality, physical appearance, wealth and health. I wrote about pheromones and attraction in depth, and concluded that it was far more complicated than we can imagine. There are however, concrete steps we can take to enhance our overall attractiveness, regardless of whether we use pheromones or not.

 At House Of Pheromones, I go even more in depth into how attraction and pheromones are intertwined, everything from how you are perceived and steps you can take to significantly enhance your attractiveness to women.

Just some of the topics I covered are:
  • How pheromones actually affect the brain and responses from women
  • How pheromones can change other peoples “perception” of you
  • Difference Between “romantic” & “sexual” attraction products
  • Primal & Emotional pheromone “types”
  • The merging of your “natural” pheromone signature
  • The TRUE total effects of pheromones on attraction
In the end, I concluded that the end result of putting pheromones, on TOP of the "overall package" is quite significant, because it can alter your body language, communication patterns, and other subtle details that make you appear higher status, better looking, and seem to attract a higher caliber of women.

... but coming to that conclusion wasn't easy.

Frankly, there are people who will read the article, and then proceed to email me asking about the latest and greatest pheromone products and want recommendations on what will work to attract a specific woman in their life. That's just not how it works guys.

You can tell the desperation from reading some of the posts on pheromone forums that some guys believe it's ALL about the pheromones, and refuse to believe that they have a problem. And one guy in particular posts his CREEPY interactions that it makes me cringe on the other side of the world. While I won't name him, he seems to be one of the most vocal about extremely minor changes in products and seems to be swayed by the opinions of others... which means the testing is unreliable, and shouldn't be taken seriously, because he has no game whatsoever.

Yet it carries on and on, and the cycle continues. This is also why I went my own way with my own site. Some people recently tried to discredit me, while they argue amongst eachother about the validity of my research. The fact is, I'm just done with it.

Anyway, I don't want to go off into a rant about forums again, but be sure to be on your guard. People will try to tell you pheromones are the be all, end all of attraction - but once you read and UNDERSTAND the articles, you will see them as powerful tools instead. Don't be fooled!

- PheroJoe

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

DiscoverXS, Pherotruth, and other pheromone forums

DiscoverXS, Pherotruth, and other pheromone forums are excellent sources of information on a variety of pheromone topics.

But one thing that kind of bugs me is how easily people are led to believe things that simply aren't true.

I go into much more depth in my article here about not just one pheromone forum like DiscoverXS or Pherotalk, but pheromone forums in general... there are things that have made me far less likely to "engage" in the community.

Some of those things include:

  • Constantly being attacked, simply because House Of Pheromones does make a few affiliate commissions (which go towards keeping the site hosted, buying, testing, reviewing, and spending hours upon hours pouring over the reviews)...
  • People who read something and take it as "fact"... then spout off the same second and third hand information to other people (which causes something of a "Chinese Whisper" effect. 
  • People who constantly say things that are way off the mark, because of preconceived notions about molecules or products.

Pheromone forums are a great place to discuss pheromones, but you should also be weary about who you listen to.

Some of the things I do when I join a pheromone forum (or any forum in general) is get a general idea of what the community is like... some places have members who bicker over anything and everything, some places are excellent for productive conversation.

But on pheromone forums, this gets taken to a whole new level, simply because we can't really say much as "fact"...  because pheromone testing is done on an individual basis, and of course, everyones results will vary in some way or another.

Therefore, it's not the best idea to just take any one posters word for it, especially if they don't have any credibility to back it up. Some things you should look out for before taking someones advice on pheromones is this:

  • History of testing and reporting on pheromone molecules, products, and combos
  • Observe their interactions if they post about it (for example, how they communicated... poor game will ruin any pheromone product, which also means that the product is not a "failure" - more like the user failed the product).
  • Be sure that information is not simply lifted from someone elses experiences... they will usually have their own sets of beliefs and thoughts/opinions on how a certain pheromone product or molecule might work). 
Anyway, I just wanted to make a quick post to address this, because I have had quite a few members come my way recently from various pheromone forums... I may become more active in the future.

But until then...

Thanks for reading :) 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The "gay pheromone bomb" (distasteful, but non-lethal weapon)

I learned something interesting today which is pretty ridiculous, but hilariously funny at the same time. In 1994, the US Air Force created a 3 page report on proposed "non lethal" weapons... one of them being a potential "gay bomb".

Basically, the idea behind it was to drop mass loads of copulins on their enemies, to make them sexually attracted to eachother (a female hormone which acts as a pheromone - men are HIGHLY attracted to it).

As funny as it would be, the idea never went further than a proposal.

But it does pose an interesting question.

Did the government really believe that the effects would be that powerful?

Just how influential are pheromones anyway?

If you believe everything you read on forums like Pherotalk, you might have a pretty unrealistic expectation of what they're actually capable of... but after a few years of testing, I am of the belief that you'll experience anywhere from 5%-20% of an increase in your overall attractiveness, social ability, and being perceived as high status.

Now those are some arbitrary numbers, and yes they were pulled from very rough guessing.

The point is, I see pheromone effects on a "sliding scale" kind of basis.

Some will have more effects than others...

... but the most important part is what you already bring to the table.

If you already have social skills, using social products will amplify your natural abilities.

If you have skills getting women, pheromones will give you an even greater "leverage point" where your ability to attract women is amplified even more with the use of pheromones.

BUT - pheromones will still work, regardless of where you are with your skills.

The only thing I have to say is that it won't be AS effective (just my opinion).

For example, if you see the review on Aqua Vitae, it is a blatant heavy hitter, but it's very difficult to "drive" if you don't have the level of skill required. A product like Evolve-XS is more suited to men who are more comfortable being social, and having that "sexual attraction" creep on on them (and their target women).

Bother are fantastic pheromone products.

But don't get disheartened...

Because even if you aren't completely living up to the "vibe" each pheromone product creates, you will slowly become more "congruent" with it over time. You can also actively work on your skills to be more congruent.

As another example, XiSt is a romantic attraction product - but I feel that it "melds" more around your personality than Aqua Vitae. And by the way, if you are still trying to figure out the difference between romantic and sexual attraction pheromones, read this before you buy pheromones.

It doesn't require super fast escalation, but even a little bit "driving" (like creating an "imprint" deliberately) can have lasting effects on the woman you're targeting.

... however, if you applied some solid game while wearing it (like the article I linked above), you would likely get closer to 20%, rather than 5% of the effects if you didn't know what you were doing).

This is just an example of 2 vastly different products. The list could go on, but I think you probably understand it by now.

On another note, I believe that's why the "gay bomb" experiment got scrapped - pheromones can be powerful, but they won't make people do anything against their will...

Still, it would have been pretty cool if they dropped it on some nazi groups or some other people that deserve it.

Anyway, just wanted to get that out there.

There are some interesting things on the way.

Stay tuned,

- PheroJoe

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Another day, another passenger exposed to a pheromone product... lol

In recent drive, I had a passenger start to get lippy and irritable with me. I had on some products by PheromoneXS, mainly EvolveXS with a few sprays of XiSt.

It started to escalate very quickly, and now the guy was visibly fuming.

I knew it was going to get ugly, but I could seriously care less about one dumbass drunk... so I pulled my keys out, went to the passengers side, and pulled him out onto the side of the road...

... now this guy so out of it, he could barely walk, so I had an obvious advantage.

Now shit really starts to get out of control, because I have 3 people going apeshit in my car.

I quickly calmed them down, and made it clear that I don't play that shit.

If they were cool, then I was cool.

Immediately, the other guy shut his mouth and I didn't hear a peep for the next 10 minutes... as I found out from the girls, he was a friend of a friend that lives near them so he was trying to catch a ride back too.

Things got a little more interesting, as the other guy got dropped off before the women, so we still had about 10 minutes left to chat...

They seemed a little bit disturbed by what just happened, but because I stayed calm through the whole thing and made them feel at ease, they opened up and became a lot more chatty.

They started talking about wanting to drive Uber but being scared (and they were very attractive), self driving cars, and other nonsense.

As we approached their neighborhood, the woman who was somewhat sober kept glancing over at me while we were speaking, and I could tell - things could get very "heated" soon, in a good way...

He friend, who was near passed out didn't notice anything, but the woman who was now seated next to me was leaning closer and closer to me, and started talking about "engine strokes" and RPM's LOL...

A few minutes away from the drop off, her arms were on my center console (middle part between us), and inching her way towards my crotch...

As the flirting increased, she eventually had her hand on my crotch.

I don't normally speak about my "encounters" in depth, but this was some seriously new (yet awesome) stuff happening. I have started writing a little bit more about it on DMKlab. Pheromone experiences with a little more detail than I can go into on the main website.

She started rubbing it down there, and needless to say I was excited... she unzipped me and was about to lean over for some even more "adult" activities...

Seeing as this could potentially make for some interesting pheromones research, I obliged... I could have escalated things further by taking her invite inside, but I felt that it might cause some serious dramas if her friend woke up and got aware of what just happened...

So I helped her take her drunk friend inside and left things at that (with a number)...

This is just my most successful test, and out of almost 80 rides, it was the first time anything got that inappropriate lol...

I have had women who were drunk or buzzed reach around and hug me, give me offers, and asked me out.

I never took any of those offers seriously because with drunks, they wake up and realize they messed up the next day...

But from testing pheromones on women like this, you immediately have a chance to expose them at VERY close range, conversate with no distractions, and even subtly "invite" women to touch you by not being "surprised" if they say something sexy or out there.

I've also gotten a date with an English babe who is here on holidays, after exposing her to Voodoo for a whole 30 minutes (this makes a FANTASTIC combo with AV to tone down the aggressiveness and spread the attraction over a more stable period)...

She's been texting every day, so I might have a clinger here, but she's actually fun to talk to so it's not a drag.

Anyway, I know this has been a long email... but if you made it, congratulations!

If you're thinking about driving for Uber, make sure you do so if there is a bonus offer for completing a certain number of trips.

Also, if you are wanting to sign up, use my referral code and I'll split the money I get 50/50 with you.

I've got some more info on some of my experiences coming... that was just the tip of the iceberg. I also got a hold of Dr. Amend's "Pheromone Advantage" a little while back, which is a product that failed to pass the sniff test... it simply doesn't live up to its own promises. Be sure to check it out on the official House Of Pheromones site.

Dealing with drunk people is a whole other ball game, especially when pheromones can just rub certain types of people the wrong way.

Oh yeah - stay tuned for some new reviews next week!

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Nexus Pheromones - Warning! BEFORE You Even Consider Buying This Junk...

Well well well... in another episode of pheromone detective Phero Joe, I decided to throw another crappy pheromone product under the bus: Nexus. 

This pheromone product has been mass marketed for several years now, and I thought it was about time to cross another heap of shit off my list.

Nexus Pheromones in particular, gets on my nerves because they actually do go the extra mile... they provide a product that (supposedly) has several known ingredients - 7 in total - lists their effects and what they do... but still completely fails to deliver ANY noticeable hit or or effect from the product.

The most surprising part as I was reading the through the websites sales materials is that James V. Kohl also supposedly gave his input in the creation of the product, which I found hard to believe.

James is a well known researcher in the field of pheromones and related sciences, but at the same time I advise people to take the studies with a grain of salt because he also offers a line up of products. I personally think that his product line up is dependent on those studies, which also means there could be a conflict of interest in order to sell more products.

The fact that James also associated himself with such a blatantly obvious scam like Nexus also makes me very skeptical about his trustworthiness.

He has made some pretty basic, working products in the past like old revisions of MAG (Max Attraction Gold - which from what I've heard has gone down the crapper), Scent Of Eros (a light social/attraction product), and the lineup from luvessentials, which is most likely rebranded products that are very basic, because I haven't had much of any effects from them.

Nexus Pheromones also has the same issue as products like Pherazone - where they constantly make up lies, and even have fake affiliate "review" websites pushing the products on unsuspecting buyers. Very much like Pherotalk, they have a lot of people scouring the internet to talk the products up... all the while knowing it doesn't really do much of anything.

In the future, we will be keeping on top of old and new scams that tend to pop up all over the internet and bring the hammer down on them too. It's unbelievable the lengths some of these vendors will go through to try and rip people off... frankly, if I was going to start a pheromone company, I would begin by creating some absolutely KILLER pheromone formulas before I even thought about bringing something to public.

Anyway, stay tuned for more episodes of scam busting!

- PheroJoe

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Androtics Direct: The "Smoke And Mirrors"... give it a rest pherotalk!

Most people who know me are pretty aware of just how much I am against the hype and lies in the pheromone industry - in fact, that's one of my main issues with it all...

 that's why pheromones have gotten a bad "rap sheet" when it comes time to explain what they are and how they work.

If you ask anyone on the PheroTalk forums, they'll tell you all about how Androtics makes the best pheromone products currently on the market. But at the same time, they'll block you for making your opinions heard, and even prohibit talk of other pheromone vendors (they like to pretend that competition doesn't exist).

Anyway, one of the things that bothers me is that pheromone users are growing daily, and one of the first places they turn to are crap vendors like Pherazone and Pherlure... and their enticing, unbelievable offerings. As I mentioned in my last post, one of my goals is to make House Of Pheromones one of the most highly regarded spaces in the online industry - I hope to rehabilitate its image and give pheromones it a non-sleezy spin, so you don't have to feel dirty about keeping secrets anymore.

 Some "pheromone experts" are also not to be trusted online. Like I mentioned above about Pherotalk, there are users with thousands of posts that simply have no idea what they're talking about. Yet people ride on their jocks without a second thought, because they think post count reflects experience.

Unlike "pherojoe", there are also people that SEEM to have credibility, but simply copy reviews off my website and then start handing it out and passing it off as their own. There is just no way to be sure of who's who unless you have credibility built up over years of experience testing pheromones. That's what makes myself and my website, house of pheromones different - I give you real hard earned knowledge and insights into products where most people fail.

Anyway, I just wanted to lay that all out there - and also give you some links to our new social profiles. So if you are on any of these networks, you can join without having tell all your facebook friends about it:)

Thursday, 14 April 2016

What's happening at House Of Pheromones this year...

If you've been an avid reader of the official House Of Pheromones blog, thank you for hanging in there and supporting me through the huge changes and challenges I've had to overcome. 

When I first started writing my reviews about pheromone colognes and perfumes, I had no idea it would become such a huge part of my life. The thing is, I actually like helping people. And yes, it does make a little moolah on the side.

But the point is, it's not only helped me in terms of becoming a more experienced pheromone user, it's helped me become a better designer, webmaster, socialite in terms of being able to improve my life in indirect ways. Pheromones were just the tip of the iceberg. I've also been using many of the pheromone images on other sites, in order to try and generate a larger audience for House Of Pheromones.

I think it's an important step, especially when we're talking about pheromones to develop social profiles with a wide range of different people - why? Because we're all on completely different paths too. Some of us are business owners, some go to university, some are young and some are old. We're all still pheromone users.

It's also important to show people that there really is scientific evidence that comes along with pheromone research. It's completely understandable that many people are still skeptical, especially with the way that pheromones have been marketed in the past. That's exactly why I despise the likes of Pherazone, Pherlure, Nexus, and all those other crap companies that love to make fools of innocent people looking for a solution to their attraction problems. Regardless, if you stay tuned at the House of pheromones, you'll definitely be in the clear - you'll avoid wasting time, money, and frustration on pheromone colognes and perfumes that just don't work.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

What I think about pheromone scams online (Especially Pheromax)

Let's face it, pheromones are pretty cool once you've gotten past the initial skepticism and have discovered just how powerful they can through some solid testing. But there is a worrying trend online that affects all of us - new  and advanced users - that is really crushing peoples spirits lately. It's pheromone product scams.

You see, these are the guys who are mass marketing products and really don't have anything useful to deliver. Even though the information is out there, from many hours of testing and reporting from a huge number of different users - and while I'm not saying it's cool to rip peoples formulas off... I'm saying that it's only common sense for people to simply create a decent product before spamming millions of people with shitty advertising.

For example, in my recent review on Pheromax, I showed you just how insidious this really is. When I was new to pheromone world, I admit I did fall for a few of these scammer products... but I quickly discovered the REAL pheromone community where things like molecule testing, and new exciting vendors were discovered.

Some people insist on pushing these products simply because they receive a very generous commission for referring sales. And even though I could also do the same thing, I prefer to advise my readers honestly and openly, rather than just doing it for the money.

House Of Pheromones is a website designed to improve over time. I mentioned to commenter recently that it is all a lot of speculation (accurate, but still very new) when it comes to new molecules and products. That's why in the near future, I hope to see a public outing of these losers and see just how far pheromones can really go.

  • Phero Joe